OAKS / Desire2Learn (D2L) is College of Charleston’s learning management system. It allows faculty to share resources, collect assignments, and provide feedback to the students in their courses.

OAKS Essentials (link here to tutorial)

Are you a beginner with OAKS? Would you like a quick introduction to the system? This section contains the essentials things you need to know as an instructor for using OAKS / D2L.

Common Questions (link here to tutorial DOC)

We’ve created a list of common questions we receive in our office. You can use this list as a point of reference to find specific instructions for OAKS tools. This list also contains some common issues we see, as well as solutions to those problems.

Tools (bold titles below will connect to the box entries on the front of the blog / tutorials from blog / new pages – no reinventing the wheel)

D2L has many features that can help you better engage with your students, and we’ve created guides that outline how to use them.

  • Classlist: View the students enrolled in your course, add a teaching assistant to your course, and communicate with students via email.
  • Content: Share all of your course materials, including documents, videos, links, and other resources.
  • Course Home: Design a custom landing page for your course site, add news items to it, and set up a course calendar that displays important dates.
  • Discussions: Create discussion forums in which students can discuss topics related to the course, collaborate on assignments, and share their work.
  • Grades: Set up a grade book that is connected to assignments in your course site and allow students to track their scores.
  • Groups : Organize students in groups in your course, then set up group-restricted dropboxes and discussions.
  • Kaltura: Record, host, and share audio and video files.
  • Quizzes: Create quizzes that can be taken online by students and graded within D2L.
  • Submissions: Collect assignments from students and provide feedback online.
  • VoiceThread: Create lectures, host an audio-based discussion board, or have students create presentations that use images, audio, video and text as part of an assignment.
  • Zoom: Host virtual meetings with your entire class or host one-on-one meetings with your students.
  • More Tools: Many other features of D2L that enable you to build a flexible, collaborative learning experience.