Talent Demands of the Tricounty: Who’s Ready?
Join the ASLRC and Dr. Patricia Ferguson, SC Department of Commerce, to learn about the in-demand careers forecasted for the tricounty area during the next few years. Workplace trends and talent development initiatives that prepare individuals for the high demand careers will also be discussed. Are you career-ready enough to prepare your students for the W.OW. (the World Of Work) in our region? Bring your best hands-on skills!
Thursday, March 21st, 2019 | 11-12:30pm | 3800 Paramount Dr. North Charleston
Register Here
Past Speakers
- Hanna Attafi, Personalized Mindfulness Charleston
- Emily Kerr, Charleston Hope, Executive Director
- Dr. Tracey Hunter-Doniger, CofC, Teacher Education (Art)
- Dr. Quenetta White, CCSD, Principal
- Dr. Morgan Hughey, CofC, Public Health
- Ralph Hayes, CCSD Expanded Learning, Program Officer
- Cheryl Hollis, WINGS for Kids, Regional Operations Director
- Raquel Smith, Metanoia, Parent Engagement Coordinator
- Dana Henderson, Managing Risk Without Killing All the Fun
- Maisha Rounds, “Reading Rocks”
- Robin Berlinsky, Establishing an Effective Summer Culture