AWAKENING: MOTION is about equality in mobility. Everyone — whether you take the bus, walk, ride a bike or drive a car — has the right to get from Point A to Point B safely, affordably and with dignity. Charleston’s Upper Peninsula is home to six neighborhoods with 3,100+ residents, 1,500+ housing units and 500+ businesses. Within this landscape, there are countless broken sidewalks, absent crosswalks and bike lanes, and subpar bus stops.
AWAKENING: MOTION is a series of public art projects that aims to transform the streets of Charleston’s Upper Peninsula by showcasing what’s possible when communities unite to create safe, connected, dignified transportation.
(information obtained from
They have a lot of exciting events coming up for the month of May worth checking out. A lot of the events are kid friendly as well and what a great opportunity to not only get kids outside but also experiencing what it is to be an active participant in the community!