Local Apprentice Program as a National Model?

In 2014, Trident Technical College created the Workforce Academies, a pilot youth apprenticeship program for high school juniors and seniors. TT partnered with the Charleston Chamber of Commerce and manufacturing firms to provide the opportunity for job skill development as well as the opportunity for high school students to take credit classes at the college. What began with 6 firms and 13 high school juniors has now expanded to 75 students apprenticing with 48 various employers. The Department of Labor believes this program could be a great model for the development of similar programs nationwide.

Project Lead the Way, as part of the collaboration, currently has its STEM curricula in several tri-county schools, complimenting the on-the-job training students receive. Vince Bertram, president and CEO of Project Lead the Way, said the partnership is in line with the nonprofit’s goals of providing meaningful experiences for students that are engaging as well as applicable to real-life work. Students participating in the program receive full scholarships to cover all classes and textbooks, thereby completing the two-year program debt-free with a high school diploma, certification in a field from Trident Tech, and two years paid work experience. Let’s hope this program continues to expand within the tri-county area as well as to new program development in other communities and states!

Read full article HERE.

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