Learning Strategies (EDLS 100) is a not-for-credit required course for those on academic probation that provides students the resources to get back on track academically. The course focuses on covering techniques and strategies to be a more proficient learner. When reviewing the objectives for the Learning Strategies course at a meeting in 2014, EDLS instructors discussed that there was not a single text that provided all that they wanted to cover in the class. The group decided that they would write their own textbook for the class.
Instructors were invited to submit chapter proposals for review in spring 2014. By June 2014, writers were selected and a writer’s retreat was held to devise a theme and plan so the book could be written in a cohesive way. Chapters were written throughout the summer and by fall 2014, the editors, Melissa Thomas, Director, Center for Student Learning, Mindy Miley, Assistant VP, Educational Programs & Services, and Michelle Futrell, Director, Undergraduate Academic Services, were reviewing the chapters and making edits. The draft was submitted to the publisher in November 2014 and after several more rounds of edits, the textbook was published in July 2015.
As a result of their efforts, this 245 page textbook, Destination Success will be used in all Learning Strategies classes here at the College of Charleston. Providing a road map for a student’s journey to academic success, this textbook covers everything from time management and study habits to career planning and health. We hope that other campuses will consider the textbook for their academic recovery classes. Royalties from the book will go into a fund that will support the Learning Strategies Program and professional development for Learning Strategies instructors.
“I am privileged to work with an outstanding group of Learning Strategies instructors who truly care about students and want to help them reach their academic and personal goals. I look forward to improving the quality of our course through the use of this common text. In addition, I am excited to give other institutions around the country the opportunity to benefit from the expertise of our talented team of instructors” says Michelle Futrell, Director, Undergraduate Academic Services.
We hope you can join us on Friday, September 18, 2015 to celebrate the publication of Destination Success. 2nd floor Lightsey Center, 3-4:30 pm Refreshments available.
Come meet the authors:
Lindy Coleman, Associate Director, Center for Student Learning
Shannon Farrelly, Academic Advisor, Academic Advising and Planning Center
Michelle Futrell, Director, Undergraduate Academic Services
Meredith Gerber, Career Counselor, Career Center
Genevieve Hay, Associate Professor, Teacher Education
Melissa Hortman, MUSC (former Study Skills Coordinator, Center for Student Learning)
Christy Landis, Learning Strategies Director, Academic Advisor and Adjunct Instructor
Mindy Miley, Assistant Vice President, Educational Programs & Services
Kate Tiller, Academic Advisor, Athletics
Melissa Thomas, Director, Center for Student Learning