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The Academic Advising and Planning Center presents “Advise Me”

Posted by: Erin Blevins | October 30, 2018 | No Comment |

How it works: “Advise Me” is a mobile texting platform that allows students to ask advising questions by texting in to the Academic Advising and Planning Center (AAPC). They will receive fact-based answers from the AAPC Peer Advisors. Students can text “adviseme” to 85511 with advising questions. Students are able to text in their questions anytime and can expect a response within 24 business hours (except during holiday breaks). Peer Advisors respond through an online Prevention Pays program from our AAPC office computers.

What kind of questions will be answered: This is a fact based advising texting service, meaning the questions can include but are not limited to learning about campus support services and resources, making appointments, asking about class schedules and prerequisite course, and interpreting Degree Works. Good questions for the Advise Me texting service could include “What time do I register for my classes,” “How many humanities credits do I need to graduate,” or “How do I declare my academic major.” If a question is not able to be answered over text and needs more in-depth explanation, students are encouraged to attend Quick Question Drop In (QQDI) Monday through Friday from 2pm to 4pm or make an appointment with their academic advisor.

Why created: The platform was created to help students who live on and off campus get answers to their quick advising questions. Student turnout for QQDI hours have been great! However, many students are still unable to make it during QQDI hours or our prior evening on campus hours for Mobile Academic Advising. We also learned about Prevention Pays from Rachael McNamara, who has trained CASAS’ Cougar Counseling Team to use this texting platform as well. They have seen much success with this platform and we hope to see the same! For these many reasons, the Peer Advising program in the AAPC has created the Advise Me text in service. Students can now get their advising questions answered without having to be present between specific hours of the day. Spread the word!

Any questions about this texting service can be directed to Silvia Youssef Hanna: hannas@cofc.edu

under: Program Spotlight, Uncategorized

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