Laura Suggs, advisor in the Academic Advising and Planning Center (AAPC) at the College of Charleston was selected as the recipient of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Region 3 2017 Excellence in Advising -New Advisor for South Carolina. NACADA explains that this award “recognizes individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising of students and who have served as an advisor for a period of three (3) or fewer years.” Laura will receive her award during the Awards Luncheon at the Region 3 (SC, TN, WV, KY) NACADA conference being held in Raleigh, NC in April.
Karen Hauschild, Director of the AAPC, will also be attending the NACADA conference. Karen was awarded a Harriet Hurt Travel scholarship that will help fund her travel to attend the conference. NACADA explains that this scholarship is “presented to a Region 3 NACADA member for volunteer service to Region 3 and NACADA.”
“We are excited to represent the College of Charleston at the Region 3 Conference in Raleigh, NC in April 2017. We look forward to bringing back ideas to advance advising in our Center and at the College.” Karen Hauschild