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REACH Gala raises money for Scholarships

Posted by: Erin Blevins | February 18, 2016 | No Comment |

REACHGala2016groupOn Friday, February 5th,  a Gala to raise money for REACH student scholarships was held at the Francis Marion Hotel in downtown Charleston. There was a live auction and a silent auction during the event.   REACH Director Edie Cusack, Former College of Charleston President George Benson, and Provost Brian McGee spoke about the importance of the program. Clint Shannon and program alumnus, Will Farrior also spoke.

120 guests attended the Gala and over $26,000 was raised.   Due to the limited financial aid available for students in the REACH program, many students are dependent on the funds raised at this event to complete the program.  If you’d like to make a donation to support the REACH program, please visit Support the REACH Program.  The REACH program is a four-year, fully-inclusive certificate program for students with mild intellectual and/or development disabilities that promotes the advancement of knowledge and skill in the areas of: academics, socialization, independent living and career development.

Edie Cusack, REACH Director and Lynne E. Ford, AVP, Office for the Academic Experience at Gala.

Edie Cusack, REACH Director and Lynne E. Ford, AVP, Office for the Academic Experience at Gala.



under: Program Spotlight, Uncategorized

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