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REACH Mentoring Program

Posted by: Erin Blevins | December 3, 2015 | No Comment |

Over 80 College of Charleston undergraduate students volunteer their time to serve as peer mentors for students in the REACH program. The REACH program is a four-year, fully-inclusive certificate program for students with mild intellectual and/or development disabilities that promotes the advancement of knowledge and skill in the areas of: academics, socialization, independent living and career development. Mentors are an important and integral part of the program.

Students who serve as mentors receive mentor training and are provided clear expectations of their role. In addition, several peer mentors have also taken the TEDU 205 course “Exploring Leadership: Building Peer Facilitation Skills.” “Mentors are friends and they need to treat mentees as they would any other friend” says the REACH Mentor Coordinator, Betsy Harper.

REACH Mentor Program Participants

REACH Mentor Program Participants

Two types of mentors help support the REACH program: social mentors and fitness mentors. Social mentors invite their mentees into their social lives and spend time together doing typical college activities (hanging out, meals at the dining hall, CofC sports games, clubs and organizations, and playing video games).  Social mentors demonstrate appropriate college student behavior by being themselves and teaching appropriate social skills.   Fitness mentors on the other hand, workout with their mentees and help encourage a healthy and active lifestyle which helps with stress management.

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