For the summer 2015, students and families attending orientation sessions were invited to participate in a Community Service project, a school supply drive. A goal of collecting 10,000 items was set. At each orientation session, school supplies from students and families were collected to help the teachers in our communities. Bins were set up at check-in, the information fair and at ID pick-up.
Top needed supplies requested included crayons, composition notebooks, tissues, hand sanitizer, and scissors. Over the course of ten summer orientation sessions 16,477 items were collected, most of which were on the top needed supply list. All supplies have been donated to the local organization, Teachers’ Supply Closet.
“We were surprised by the generosity of the new students, their families and the College of Charleston community and very thankful for all their support” said Stephanie Auwaerter, Director of Orientation.
Why “School Supplies. Changing Lives?”
Results and research show that when adequately equipped, school children:
• have a more positive feeling of self-worth;
• miss fewer days of school;
• are more attentive in class;
• have improved classroom behavior, and
• achieve higher test scores in all academic subjects.