Tag Archives | Portfolio

Basilica (Final Portfolio)

It smells like old wood, first-grade memories gone stale. Like soft pages under fingertips, like candle flames flickering. Soft, white wax dripping, melting onto the psalms of my hands. There is no stained glass here, but centuries-old paintings framed by spider-web cracks, where the earthquake tore through it, then signed its autograph. The tile floors […]

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Today’s Artists of Florence: A Hidden Renaissance (Final Portfolio)

If I had thought traveling from Charleston, South Carolina, to Spoleto, Italy, had been a culture shock, nothing could have prepared me for traveling from Spoleto to Florence. Upon first arriving in the birthplace of the Renaissance, I wandered the streets of Firenze starry-eyed with wonder. Street vendors on every corner, selling handmade leather bags, […]

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Spoleto: A City Outside of Time (Final Portfolio)

For foreign travelers and tourists, smaller European cities and towns—like many of those in Italy’s Umbria region—can seem mystifying and mundane all at once. As I explored the Umbrian town of Spoleto, I found myself walking from ancient stone walls to local cellphone stores, from cobblestone piazzas to moving sidewalks and escalators. There is a […]

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