Don’t miss out on these events this semester! This year’s theme of Decolonizing the Curriculum: Teaching Race Across the Disciplines kicks off with Dr. Lailani Sabzalian (Oregon University) on September 23rd, soon followed by Dr. Jameliah Shorter-Bourhanou (Holy Cross College) on September 30th. Dr. Sabzalian will discuss race, indigenous populations, and educational pedagogy while Dr. Shorter-Bourhanou will discuss how to incorporate race content in philosophy. In October, we will host Dr. Sofiya Noble (UCLA) whose talk will feature her award-winning book Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. While Dr. Noble is housed in African American Studies/Women and Gender Studies, this phenomenal work intersects with STEM fields such as computer science and software engineering (one of CofC newest forthcoming majors). Her talk is scheduled for Oct. 27th. Each of these events will be held virtually.
Category Archives: Students
Student Spotlight
The African American Studies Program would like to congradulate and share with you the 2020-2021 recipient of the Bernard E. Powers Writing Award in African American Studies as well as the African American Studies Rising Scholar Award.
Zinnia Harris is a rising junior pursuing a degree in African American Studies. She is passionate about social justice and mutual aid. “I’m not sure what my future holds, but hopefully I can make a difference” – Zinnia Harris.
1967 Legacy Ambassador Award Recipents!
African American Studies is so excited to congradulate TWO of our students this year as recipents of the 1967 Legacy Ambassador Award here at CofC!
Janae Dorsey
Zinnia Harris
The Legacy 1967 Program aims to improve the recruitment, retention, graduation and workplace success of Black students through scholarships, enhanced and extended education support, and professional preparation, as well as research the experiences of the Black trailblazers who contributed to the College.
Who Are Legacy Scholars? This scholarship is for first-year Black students who consider themselves trailblazers. What does it mean to be a trailblazer? A trailblazer is a pioneer. It’s someone who isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo. It’s an innovator.
Former College of Charleston trailblazers include people who are:
- community activists.
- grassroots organizers.
- preachers and ministers.
- champions of social justice.
- teachers.
- leaders in both their profession and community.
Student Spotlight

Spring 2021 Student Awards
We are pleased to announce the
Spring 2021 African American Studies Student Awards!

Alumni News!
AAST would like to share some exciting news from some of our almuni!
Adeyemi (Yemi) Oduwole ’19, finished his MPH program early and will graduate from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai this summer, and he will be entering a post-baccalaureate program at Temple University in the fall so he can apply for medical school!
Kamau Pope ’16, after successfully defending his masters thesis titled “Shaping a Queer South: The Evolution of Activism from 1960–2000,” graduated with a MA in History at the University of South Carolina this spring, and he will be pursuing a PhD in History at Duke University in the fall!
Book Talk with Roberto Strongman
FALL 2020 Book Club
FALL 2020 Newsletter!
The Fall 2020 African American Studies Newsletter is out now! Click here to check it out!
African American Read-In!
Mark your calendars now for the African American Read-In: Celebrating the Work of Toni Morrison.
African American Studies and English are co-hosting an “African American Read-In” in celebration of Black History Month and Toni Morrison’s 89th birthday. The “Read-In” is an event focused on raising awareness and celebrating the African American literary tradition. Created by the National Council of Teachers of English in 1990, Read Ins are held every year in February across the world. Faculty, staff, students, and the public are invited to join AAST and ENGL to read aloud (often dramatically) from their favorite African American writers. The goal is to spend several hours reading,sharing, and celebrating writers of African descent! Our focus will be on celebrating the work Toni Morrison, who transitioned in August 2019.