Category Archives: Programs

GoFundMe Campaign for Jamaica Study Abroad

Please support the African American Studies study abroad program to Jamaica this summer!  We are trying to make sure that all 11 accepted students will have the money that they need to go.  They are all applying for financial aid and scholarships.  In addition, we have partnered with the College of Charleston Foundation to organize a GoFundMe campaign for them.  They are already using it to raise money from their family and friends, but they could certainly use some additional help sharing the link for their GoFundMe campaign.  Please share this link with all of your networks, and ask them to support our students!

Teach-In: Tools for Navigating Post-Election America

December 5th at 5pm
Arnold Hall

A brief panel for contexualizing the election will be followed by break-out sessions on a wide range of topics such as transphobia, voting rights, sexism, anti-semitism, homophobia, white supremacy, and engaging with family across political divides.

Sponsored by African American Studies, History, International Studies, Office of Institutional Diversity, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, Teacher Education, and Women and Gender Studies.


Teach-In: Police Brutality

September 10th at 7:00pm
Robert Scott Small 235

Roots. Causes. Consequences. Solutions.
The murder of Walter Scott in North Charleston last April sparked outrage locally and nationally about the problem of police brutality. Learn more about the public policies and social forces that have caused and exacerbated police brutality as well as consequences and solutions from a panel of experts. This event is open to the public.


Dr. Mari N. Crabtree College of Charleston
Muhiyidin D’Baha Black Lives Matter
Pastor Thomas Dixon The Coalition: People United to Take Back Our Community
Susan Dunn American Civil Liberties Union


German & Slavic Studies Becomes German & Russian Studies on 7/1

On July 1, 2015, the Department of German and Slavic Studies will have a new name: German and Russian Studies.  “This name change highlights our emphasis on Russian literature, film, and culture and on Russian as a critical language. With our new hire, Dr. Irina Erman, joining us as a tenure track assistant professor of Russian this fall, we are poised to build on the stellar work of our retiring colleague Professor Raisa Gomer and continue to offer our students an excellent Russian Studies program,” observes Dr. Morgan Koerner, Department Chair-Elect.

“The Not-Word: German-Jewish Poetry after the Holocaust” March 12th, 6pm, Addlestone 227

“The Not-Word: German-Jewish Poetry after the Holocaust”

March 12th, 6pm, Addlestone 227

What does it mean to write in German as a Jewish author after the Holocaust? Can poetry recover, reclaim, and renew language after unspeakable trauma? How do we translate poetry written on the edge of silence? Johannes Wich-Schwarz (Maryville University) will explore these questions in a presentation on German-Jewish poetry written after 1945. The presentation offers an introduction to poets who reconfigured the aesthetic landscape of post-war Germany and demonstrated the importance of poetry after Auschwitz, including internationally renowned authors Paul Celan and Nelly Sachs as well as the influential German language poets Rose Ausländer, Hilde Domin, and Erich Fried. Professor Wich-Schwarz is the author of Transformation of Language and Religion in Rainer Maria Rilke and is currently completing a volume of English translations of German-Jewish poetry.

Welcome to the Department of German and Slavic Studies’ News Blog!

In weeks and months ahead, all significant news related to our department’s students, faculty and German and Russian programs will be posted here.  Wish to post something newsworth?  Please post it at our Facebook page and we’ll take it from there!  Please also “Like” us on our FB page: