Tag Archives | teaching to engage and activate

T.E.A. with WGS: The Stare and the Slap: Embodiment, Disability, and Pedagogy on the Public Stage

TEA: Embodiment & Disability Pedagogy

This Teaching to Engage and Activate (T.E.A.), open to faculty and students, takes on “the gaze” as performed at the Oscars when Will Smith infamously slapped Chris Rock, who had just made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s diagnosis of alopecia. We will use embodied pedagogy to begin with the “stare,” the moment of Chris Rock calling out a black woman with a non-normative body and think through what this means for intersections of race, gender, and disability. Then we move, again using some theater exercises, to “the slap,” again examining it in terms of gender, violence, race and, of course, performance. This TEA will open up WGS faculty and students to using embodied pedagogy and disability studies as valuable teaching and learning tools.

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