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Why You Should Join a Professional Learning Club

A Professional Learning Club (PLC) is a group of six to eight faculty members who meet to collaboratively reflect on and improve their teaching practices.  Participation involves one academic year of exploring, implementing, and evaluating empirically-grounded instructional strategies with the goal of improving student learning and engagement.

CLUBS explained
adapted from “Compare & Contrast: Teaching Comparative Thinking to Strengthen Student Learning” by Harvey F. Silver




 Why should you join a PLC?

  1. To build an interdisciplinary support system to share struggles, lessons learned, and achievements.
  2. To schedule much-needed time to reflect on your teaching and your students’ learning.
  3. To share ideas for improving student engagement, making your classes more enjoyable for both you and your students.
  4. To collaboratively design strategies that increase deep learning, as opposed to surface learning.
  5. To contribute to the scholarship of teaching & learning via, for example, conference presentations or publications.

These are just a handful of reasons to sign up for a PLC.  But don’t simply take our word for it.  Here’s what current PLC participants have to say:

“Your students will thank you for participating in TLT’s PLC.  This is a terrific (and cost effective) way to improve your teaching.  I love the fact that faculty can share best practices and have the opportunity to implement them over an entire year.” – Lancie Affonso, Computer Science, Management and Marketing

“Join a PLC because it offers great opportunities to reflect on your teaching, which so many of us struggle to find enough time for! I also really enjoyed the sense of community it provided us as we worked together to discuss individual issues we were struggling with in our classes.”  – Kelley White, Teacher Education

Interested?  We’re currently accepting applications for Fall 2016 – Spring 2017.  Applying is simple and TLT will help you find other like-minded colleagues to work with.

Want to know more before you apply?  Visit:

CLUBS explained
Pedagogy, TLT

RECAP: Professional Learning Clubs Informational Session

Yesterday TLT held an informational session on the upcoming Professional Learning Clubs, PLC, a collaborative and supportive opportunity for faculty and teaching staff at CofC. The PLCs generated a positive response and the participants were excited about the opportunity to participate. We, in TLT, believe that the PLCs will provide teachers the opportunity to try something new in their teaching while being backed by the support of their peers.

Are You Ready To Join?

Just complete our online application (at the bottom of the linked page)

Not Sure Or Have Questions?

Read the Info Session presentation and the information on our PLC blog page then contact your Instructional Technologist or with your questions.  We’re happy to discuss it with you.

P. L. C. Professional Learning Club
Best Practices, Collaboration, Information Session, instructional technology, TLT

Join a Professional Learning Club for the next academic year

P. L. C. Professional Learning ClubTLT is offering the opportunity for faculty to join a Professional Learning Club (PLC) that will take place during the 2015-2016 academic year.  A Professional Learning Club is a group of faculty that meet to collaboratively reflect on and improve their teaching practices.  It involves examining the relationship between teaching practices and student outcomes, evaluating those practices using the students’ work, and then reflecting on the success of the strategy to improve the outcomes.

If you are interested in learning more about PLCs and how you can be part of one please join us March 24th at 2pm in JC Long 219 for an informational session.  During this session we will review the purpose of the PLC, the roles and responsibilities of the participants and the outcomes.  It will also give you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

If you can’t attend the session then check out our PLC page on this blog then contact your Instructional Technologist to discuss any questions you may have.

We think this is going to be a constructive, collaborative and fun opportunity for faculty so I hope you’ll check into it.