This summer I attended a teaching symposium where the mantra was “One New Thing,” or the act of finding one thing that you think will meet a need and implementing it instead of feeling pressure to implement many things. This new series will focus on helping you potentially find your #OneNewThing.
Adobe Spark is an online graphics and video application. Use the Social Graphics app to create graphics with text to post to social media or to liven up blog posts or presentations. Use Web Stories to create interactive pages for storytelling or newsletters. Animated Videos allows the user to create animated slideshows and presentations with images, text, and recorded audio.
How It WorksSpark Post – create stunning graphics
Uses for Faculty & StudentsSpark Post
Spark Page – create beautiful web stories
Spark Page Create
Spark Video – create compelling animated videos
Spark Video Create
If you use Adobe Spark tweet about it using #OneNewThing and add TLT at @tltcofc! We can’t wait to hear from you.