Post from Stacey Detlor
Well that was fun! Twice Thursday, and once on Friday, we had to bust out some ninja like moves as to not get caught with our tire marking!
Let me explain…We met up Thursday afternoon as a group and began the next phase of our project: tire marking. This was just a test of the real thing that will be happening later next week. The four of us were given two different colors of chalk, and a location where we think there is an over abundance of bikes that are not leaving. We buddied up, and off we went! We marked several racks of tires with our “morning” color, and took inventory of how many bikes were on the racks; this was repeated again that evening with our, you guessed it, “evening” color. However, it did rain which made the chalk wash off by the time we came back the next morning to repeat the process. Pretty annoying if you ask me.
Next week we will continue our markings; hopefully the rain stays away, and hopefully nobody tries to kill us for touching their bikes!