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Fall 22 Course Offerings

Posted by: Julia Eichelberger | March 30, 2022 | No Comment |

Study the South in Fall 2022 (and Summer 22!)

These courses count for the minor in Southern Studies. Offered in F 22 unless otherwise noted.

SOST 200-02 Introduction to Southern Studies. Summer II Online, Prof. Adam Jordan

SOST 200-01. Fall 22 TR 1:40-3:15, Prof. Michele Moore

ANTH 306 Historical Archaeology  TR 3:05-4:20

ARTH 338/HPCP 338 American Vernacular Art and Material Culture MWF 9-9:50 Prof Grant Gilmore

EDFS 201 Foundations of Education (multiple sections in F 22; one section is online in Summer II)

ENGL 313 African American Literature. Summer I, Online. Prof. Valerie Frazier

ENGL 364 Black Horror TR 12:15-1:30 Prof. Julia Mollenthiel

ENGL 477/577 Coming of Age in Southern Spaces Flyer for ENGL 477MW 4-5:15  Prof. Julia Eichelberger        For permission to register contact eichelbergerj@cofc.edu

ENVT 452.01  Flyer for Environmental Justice courseEnvironmental Justice Contact Dr Allison Welch welcha@cofc.edu for permission to register for ENVY 452. [Crosslisted with AAST 300.03, no preqs, and URST 397] 

GEOL 257 Marine Geology MWF 1-2, Lab W 205 Prof. Leslie Sautter [Prereq: Geol 103/105]

HIST 210 ST: The Civil War and Reconstruction in the Atlantic World TR 3:05-4:20

HIST 210 ST: African American Sexuality from Slavery to Freedom TR 9:25-10:40 Prof Shannon Eaves

HIST 216 African American History to 1865 TR 1:40-2:55 Prof Mills Pennebaker

HIST 250 ST: Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade TR 1:40-2:55 Prof John Cropper

Pre-req for 200-level History Courses: History 115/116 or equivalent

HPCP 205 Drawing Charleston W 1-4 PM Prof Ralph Muldrow

HPCP 299 Preservation Planning Studio M 2-5 [Pre-req: HPCP 199]

MUSC 222 ST: All That Jazz. Online Summer I Prof. Yiorgos Vassilandonakis

MUSC 365 Ensemble: Gospel Choir T 6:30-9 Prof Brenten Merrill Weeks

RELS 253 Religions of Charleston TR 1:40-2:55 Prof Brennan Keegan

Flyer for WGST Quuer Friendship courseWGST 352 ST: Queer Friendship, Kinship, Comradeship, and Community as Liberation Praxis. MW 2-3:15 Prof. Cristina Domingez

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