Special Topics courses for MEDH credit!

In addition to the courses listed in the catalogue, you may take:
HIST 116.17, 20474 TR 12:15-1:30, Steere-Williams

Epidemics and Revolutions. The recent global epidemic crisis of Ebola provides a backdrop for the fascinating historical questions we will ask in this course, of how the social experience and cultural understanding of disease have shaped modern global history. We will explore how both chronic and infectious diseases have played a fundamental role in the development of modern modes of governance, public health, modern technologies, and a global economy. We will also examine how disease illuminates social attitudes about class, race, and colonialism in the period from the Enlightenment to the present. Using diverse examples such as cholera outbreaks in Europe, bubonic plague in India, syphilis in Africa, yellow fever in North America and the Caribbean, and HIV/AIDS across the globe, this course demonstrates that the historical analysis of disease is integral to understanding both “modernity” and “globalization”.

Over There and Here is Me and Me

We strongly believe that understanding issues of race, class, and gentrification is crucial to providing informed healthcare. We are excited to promote this new art exhibit at the Halsey Museum at the College of Charleston.

Neurodiversity Initiative

What is neurodiversity? Basically, it’s the idea that people whose brains are wired differently from the “norm” should be embraced and celebrated! While none of us is normal, this effort has focused on people with autism, Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, epilepsy, schizophrenia, chronic migraine, and psychological disabilities.
In order to highlight neurodiversity as an important form of diversity, the College of Charleston is hosting an exciting series of events. As you come to campus, you will see our banner and numerous signs providing statistics and information about neurodiversity. We are encouraging all members of our campus to provide us with a creative work (e.g. art, photography, writing) in a non-digital form that answers this question: “What does neurodiversity mean to you?”
This piece of creative work is due by September 20th and can be dropped off at various location sites. We will display all of the pieces together at a reception to be held on October 7 from 5-6:30PM in the Rita Hollings Science Center, Room 101. The art work will be displayed throughout the campus during the month of October! We will also be hosting a series of brown bag lunches in October to celebrate disability awareness month. Each session will be from 12-1pm in the Alumni Center.
Our series will culminate with a talk about workplace inclusion by Laura Owens, Ph.D., CESP, president of Transcen, a company that works with large corporations to include neurodivergent people.
The talk will be on October 28 from 3-4.

Our mission

We have received a number of emails about courses counting for medical humanities.  In lieu of a website, let me provide our mission here:

To count for the Medical Humanities minor, courses should address a human dimension of clinical medicine, public health, translational research, or medical technology. This includes
• human expression about medicine and health, including art, literature, music, art history etc
• study of the human factors affecting medical practice, including history, sociology, psychology, anthropology, classics, and religion, and
• analyses of debates surrounding medicine and health research, including philosophy, economics, and law.

If you feel that a course fulfills these requirements, feel free to email Dr. Rogers at rogerskb@cofc.edu


We ARE in the course catalogue- promise!

Hi everyone!  We are very excited to roll out our new medical humanities minor at the College of Charleston in Spring of 2020.  Of course, any class you take or have taken will “count” as part of the minor, so this should be easy and a great selling point for pre-health professions and programs of study.  Check us out here.

Stay tuned for exciting health humanities news from Charleston and beyond!