This afternoon the annual national awards reception hosted by the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards. The reception will be held at 4:00 in Stern Ballroom. Representatives from each school and Academic Affairs will be on hand as we celebrate a record year for Fulbright applicants and recipients along with many other successes with the Goldwater, Gilman, Hollings, and Rotary, among other awards.
Nicole DeMarco: nominee for Rhodes Scholar, Rotary Ambassadorial Global grant and the recipient of the Teaching Assistantship Program in France
Chelsea Roland: nominee for Rotary Ambassadorial Global grant
Malcolm Kates: nominee for Rotary Ambassadorial Global grant and recipient of the German Academic Exchange Scholarship
Rachel Taylor: nominee for Rotary Ambassadorial Global grant
Joseph Quisol: nominee for Truman Scholarship
Santasia Frasier: nominee for Benjamin A. Gilman International scholarship