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Sigma Iota Rho: Call for Student Papers (Get Published!)

Posted by: Lauren Saulino | October 25, 2013 | No Comment |

Call for Papers:  GET PUBLISHED!

The Sigma Iota Rho (SIR) Journal of International Relations is looking for submissions for its annual issue.  The submissions deadline is January 10, 2014. Early submissions are greatly appreciated.

The Journal:
The Journal has a circulation of 3,000 copies, which are distributed to over 160 undergraduate international relations programs and APSIA graduate international relations schools. Each edition includes a featured article by a leading voice in international relations; previous headliners have included Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization, and Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank, among others.

Please feel free to contact the SIR Editorial Board with any questions or concerns you may have, at sirjournal@gmail.com.

Print Submissions:
Submissions must come from current students; must be original and previously unpublished; may include research in topics relevant to international relations such as economics, political science, history, and area studies; must be between 2,000 and 6,000 words in length; must use citations according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition; must be submitted in .docx format; and must include a cover page with the author’s name, telephone number, and bibliography, the article’s title, and a 200-word abstract. Please send all submissions to sirjournal@gmail.com.

Online Article Submissions:
Submissions to the online platform can be academic articles (1,500-4,000 words), book reviews (1,000-2,000 words), or opinion-editorial columns (800-1,200 words). The remaining requirements are identical to those of print submissions. Please send all submissions to sirjournal@gmail.com. 

Print submissions not selected for publication in the Journal will be automatically considered for publication in the online Journal

National Liaison Officer
Sigma Iota Rho
Honor Society for International Studies

under: News

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