By: Emily Anderson
Thanks to financial assistance provided by a School of Humanities and Social Sciences travel grant, I attended the Nineteenth Century Studies Association’s (NCSA) 2019 interdisciplinary conference “Explorations,” which took place in Kansas City, Missouri from March 7th-9th, 2019. I presented a condensed version of my Bachelor’s Essay entitled “On and Off the Moral Path: Child Psychology and the Golden Age of Children’s Literature,” which analyzes spatial representations of the child mind in Victorian British children’s literature and contemporary psychology texts. I received many excellent questions and suggestions for future research, as well as feedback from prominent scholars in my field. While there, I also attended several other panels and learned much about other aspects of nineteenth century literature and culture. I enjoyed this conference immensely and am so thankful that I received financial support for this endeavor. I know that this experience will make me a competitive applicant for graduate schools and scholarships, and I cannot wait to have more opportunities like this in the future.
Emily is a psychology and English double major at the College.