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An Aggressive Defense of the Confessionals

The definition of bias is a prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared one with another, usually in a way considered unfair. This is a critical response, though not, perhaps, the critical response you expect. It is my opinion that the articles, namely Nelson’s “Confessional Poetry,” and Thurston’s “Psychotherapy and […]

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Alphabet Soup

I was particularly impressed with the style of Frank O’Hara of the New York School of poetry this week. Reading through his poetry, I noticed his repetitive use of enjambment and what Reed would describe as gleeful babble. The New York School frequently wrote about urban life and finding bliss in the then and now. […]

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Gregory Corse’s “The American Way” Close Reading

Gregory Corso’s “The American Way” puts a primary focus on what could potentially lead the country into ruin.  The speaker focuses on the forces at play within the country that could spell out an impending doom for the nation.  Ideologies and ideas are crashing together, but America seems ready to repeat the mistakes of the […]

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