Archive | Creative

In a Field at Dawn

In the morning First light appears across the fields The first bird calls out, Heralding the arrival of a new day   A decade prior Looking out across the vast ocean above the breaking waves. Foam gathers into shapes and places People I knew, and buildings long gone Another wave breaks, breaking brick and mortar […]

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Restraint? How embarrassing!

Before taking this class, when I thought of contemporary American poetry, Sylvia Plath was one of, if not the first, poet to come to mind as embodying the genre. It has always saddened me that as celebrated as she is, she struggled so much in her life, and that comes through both in her poetry […]

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Denise Levertov’s “Some Notes on Organic Form”

Denise Levertov in “Some Notes on Organic Form” sets out to identify and define some of the key characteristics and/or processes of  “organic form poetry.”  She based her discussion upon Gerard Hanley Hopkins’ coining of the terms “inscape” and “instress” as referentials to sensory perception: to denote intrinsic form, the pattern of essential characteristics both […]

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Experimentation “Off the Beaten Path”

After reading the assigned selections from this week’s focus on Beat poetry, I decided to try my hand at producing a poem influenced by some of the aesthetics and conventions of the group. The poem “Holding Down the Fort” included above is the result of this experimentation. Before composing this poetic experiment, I considered how […]

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Born into this…

The pressure of life weighs upon us, Presses upon us— There is no relief from the expectations, From the “opportunities,” From the responsibilities. Each day I see people being swept away, Away from peace and contentment, Swept toward frustrations, Toward commitment, Into expectations, Commitments, Obligations, Into more and more work. We are born into this. […]

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