Author Archive | Gabby Casapulla

I Wish I Could Give John Ashbery a Hug

John Ashbery’s “The Problem of Anxiety” is an emotional poem that intertwines themes of depression and aging. The poem is short and seemingly straightforward. However, there are many contradictions within Ashbery’s poem that allude to the narrator’s uneasy and distorted state of mind. I want to start by analyzing the poem’s tone. Throughout the entire […]

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An Emotional Rollercoaster

Upon reading Denise Levertov’s “Life at War,” I found myself at war with how I should feel. It was as though each stanza intentionally brought me to a different emotion, leaving me as the reader unsure of how Levertov wanted me to feel collectively.   This poem has many moments of joy and beauty. In […]

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La Matriarca

“’The Willingness to Speak:’ Diane di Prima and Italian American Feminist Body Politics,” written by Rosanne Giannini Quinn, discusses Diane di Prima’s significance within the context of Italian American culture. Quinn highlights many pieces of di Prima as well as many movements that she was a part of. This article was written in 2003 for […]

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