Category Archives: Faculty News

Teach-In: Tools for Navigating Post-Election America

December 5th at 5pm
Arnold Hall

A brief panel for contexualizing the election will be followed by break-out sessions on a wide range of topics such as transphobia, voting rights, sexism, anti-semitism, homophobia, white supremacy, and engaging with family across political divides.

Sponsored by African American Studies, History, International Studies, Office of Institutional Diversity, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, Teacher Education, and Women and Gender Studies.


Teach-In: Police Brutality

September 10th at 7:00pm
Robert Scott Small 235

Roots. Causes. Consequences. Solutions.
The murder of Walter Scott in North Charleston last April sparked outrage locally and nationally about the problem of police brutality. Learn more about the public policies and social forces that have caused and exacerbated police brutality as well as consequences and solutions from a panel of experts. This event is open to the public.


Dr. Mari N. Crabtree College of Charleston
Muhiyidin D’Baha Black Lives Matter
Pastor Thomas Dixon The Coalition: People United to Take Back Our Community
Susan Dunn American Civil Liberties Union


“The Night the Berlin Wall Fell and Germany rocked! A 25th Anniversary Commemoration of the Fall of Berlin Wall”


The Department of German and Slavic Studies, the Global Business Resource Center, the Global Awareness Forum  and the Initiative Public Choice and Market Process sponsored a roundtable discussion entitled”The Night the Berlin Wall Fell and Germany rocked!  A 25th Anniversary Commemoration of the Fall of Berlin Wall” on Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 7 pm in the Mathematics and Science Building, Room 129.

Moderator, Dr. Peter Calcagno, Professor of Economics, College of Charleston
Dr. Wolfgang Elfe, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of German, University of South Carolina
Dr. Richard Bodek, Professor of History and Coordinator of the Faculty Liberal Arts & Sciences    Colloquium
Dr. Rene Dentiste Mueller, Professor, Director of the International Business Program
Dr. Malte Pehl, Assistant Professor, International Studies Dept.
Dr. Max Kovalov, Initiative for Public Choice and Market Process and Adjunct Instructor, Political         Science Dept.

The panel discussed this monumental event in terms of its place in history and offered first -hand accounts of how Germany’s division has impacted the panel members’ lives. The presenters also highlighted historical memory from post-Soviet economic and political perspectives.

Professors Nenno and Twitchell Present Research at German Studies Association Annual Conference

At the German Studies Association Annual Conference on September 18-21 in Kansas City Missouri, Dr. Nancy Nenno participated in a three-day seminar entitled “Black German Studies” and presented her study titled “Thinking in Multiples: Generating Black Diaporas in Austria.”

At the same conference, Professor Corey Twitchell collaborated in the seminar “German-Jewish Literature after 1945: Working Through and Beyond the Holocaust” where he presented research on the deployment of Yiddish language and literature in post-Holocaust novels written by German Jews.